Great Lutheran Learning Opportunity or How About Some Luther With Your Potluck

1517 and a monk posts 95 theses on the door at the Wittenberg Church. Thus began what we now know as The Reformation. In three sessions we will look back at those historic events and see what they mean for us today. We will explore the people and the concepts that changed the world. Some have said that next to Jesus himself no one has done more to alter history than Dr. Martin Luther. As followers of this legacy we need to know how each of us stands in that theology and what it means going forward. Come join in an informal, participatory, event led by Pastor Larry.
We will gather on three Wednesday evenings:
Sept 20th, Oct 18th and Nov 15th
Please bring something for a Potluck meal at 6:15 pm. Learning time will begin at 7 pm.


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