Produce Market- April 26 12:00 noon

St. Paul teams with Mid-Ohio Food Bank Produce Markets to provide free fresh food to local individuals and families in need. This is part of our outreach for our community neighbors and all of the public in need.

Please Come!!!

The Free Produce Market Ministry will start on April 26 at noon- and continue for two hours. We will have six (6) Markets this year.

For volunteers there will be a sign-up sheet posted in the Church Narthex for church membetrs who didn’t work last year. This ministry is a time to help others and at the same time enjoy theĀ  fellowship of church members.

April 26 – truck arrives at 11:00

Hours: The Market begins at 12:00 noon until 2:00 p.m.

We are looking forward to working together, giving God’s food to those in need. Please think about volunteering if you have not in the past.

Judy Middendorf Market Coordinator