Thanks, thanks for the baby and personal donations. Manager Mike and Assistant Manager Chris reported that this has been so very helpful for these items they’ve been unable to purchase. GREAT RESPONSE!! OUR MAY COLLECTION IS PACKAGED READY TO MAKE…
We are in dire need of Workers!! A sign-up sheet for volunteers to work at the Food Pantry on Wilson Road has been posted at Sign-Up Central. Can you spare a few hours to help out? Volunteers would work a…
Faith Mission March
The men at Faith Mission were fed by the church’s Boy Scout Troop 426 on March 23, 2016. The menu supplied by the troop included a barbecue ham sandwich, potato salad, green beans, banana, cookies, Hershey bar, goldfish crackers, and…
April LSS Food Pantry
In April the items requested will be personal care items such as tooth brushes, toothpaste, shampoo, etc. The idea is to concentrate on a specialty item (or group) per month that is greatly needed. Comments or ?’s contact Bill or…
March LSS Food Pantry
Baby food and supplies. The greatest need at this time is for baby items: wipes, diapers, lotions, baby food, etc. Bring your donations to church now through Easter Sunday. Thank you!
LWR Sewing Group
The LWR Sewing Group is asking each congregational member to consider the cost of shipment for one mission quilt ($2.25) as part of your Lenten discipline. Please make any checks payable to St. Paul Lutheran Church. The special pew envelopes…
Keep Bringing In Soup
It goes to a great cause. Food pantry needs your help. Great competition with a WIN WIN result.
January Food Pantry
January is Souper Bowl month. January collection is Soup for the LSS Food Pantry. Let’s have a competition between the youth and the adults. We suggest you find and use coupons to save money on buying soup(bring in extra coupons to share).…
Food Pantry
December food collection is all kind of food like canned fruit, jello, pudding, bags of soup beans, canned meats, boxed dinners, Tuna helper, noodles, pasta, and popcorn.
Faith Mission; October 28
St. Paul will be providing the meal and serving at Faith Mission on Wednesday October 28. We are requesting 200 regular size HERSHEY candy bars. The menu will be beef stew, green beans, bananas, and home made cookies. It is anticipated…