Here is the link for our worship on 3/30/22 – Wednesday night worship: You can watch it live on Wednesday or watch it later. If you have any questions please email You can also leave a comment here.…
Save these dates
April 10th Palm Sunday with Harry and Barb 70th wedding anniversary celebration following our worship service.April 14th Maundy Thursday worship service at 7 p.m. with 1st communion class taking communion first.April 15th Good Friday worship service at 7 p.m.April 17th…
Thanks Rev. Allan
Today is Rev Al’s last Sunday with us. As a congregation, we thank him for helping us along each week with our spiritual journey and assisting us with the trying times we’ve had in finding a new Pastor. Thank you,…
Congregational Meeting from 2/6
The vote to issue A Letter of Call to Sara Wunsch to be our Pastor was approved unanimously with 74 members voting. The vote to accept her Compensation Package was also unanimously approved.
Sara accepted the Call to be our Pastor saying, “I’m looking forward to our relationship together. I’m so joyful about how beautifully and how thoroughly God has affirmed this Call!.” On Tuesday, the Bishop approved the Call. Sara’s start date…
Pastor Needs
We appreciate Pastor Shari Ayers handling our congregation’s Pastoral Care Needs at this time. If you have a need, please call her at 614-460-0186.
The 2022 Altar Flower Chart
The 2022 Altar Flower Chart is up and available for sign-ups. Cost of altar flowers is $12.50.
2022 envelopes
2022 envelopes are ready for pickup on a table in the Narthex.
The cost for each is $12.50. Please fill out the form in the bulletin below and drop it in the offering plate, or put it in box #2. Please make checks payable to St. Paul and make a notation on…
Link to Worship: (11/28/21) 1st Sunday of Advent @ 9:55 am
Here is the link for our worship on 11/28/21 – 1st Sunday of Advent: You can watch it live on Sunday or watch it later. If you have any questions please email You can also leave a comment…