Fred and Pastor Sara will do a presentation right after church, covering many legal, and spiritual aspects related to transitions in health, end of earthly life, memorial service planning, etc.
Link to Worship: (10/8/23) 19th Sunday after Pentecost @ 9:50 am
Here is the link for our worship on 10/8/23 – 19th Sunday after Pentecost You can watch it live on Sunday or watch it later. If you have any questions please email You can also leave a comment here.…
Link to Worship: (10/1/23) 18th Sunday after Pentecost @ 9:50 am
Here is the link for our worship on 10/1/23 – 18th Sunday after Pentecost You can watch it live on Sunday or watch it later. If you have any questions please email You can also leave a comment here.…
Ladies Night Out: October
The next Ladies’ Night Out dinner will be held on Tuesday, October 17, at 6:30 p.m. at Olive Garden restaurant, 5450 Renner Road. Please confirm your attendance by signing the form at Sign-Up Central or by contacting Kris.
Faith Mission Dinner
Monday, October 23rd. Signup sheet for workers (max of 6) is posted. We welcome donations of chocolate bars, cookies, in addition to the main meal. ? See Bill or Marie
Pictures from our Picnic at the park on 9/15/23
Trunk or Treat 10/15/23
Link to Worship: (10/29/23) Reformation Sunday @ 9:50 am
Here is the link for our worship on 10/29/23 – Reformation Sunday You can watch it live on Sunday or watch it later. If you have any questions please email You can also leave a comment here. Thanks
Link to Worship: (9/24/23) 17th Sunday after Pentecost @ 9:50 am
Here is the link for our worship on 9/24/23 – 17th Sunday after Pentecost You can watch it live on Sunday or watch it later. If you have any questions please email You can also leave a comment here.…
Link to Worship: (9/17/23) 16th Sunday after Pentecost @ 9:50 am
Here is the link for our worship on 9/17/23 – 16th Sunday after Pentecost You can watch it live on Sunday or watch it later. If you have any questions please email You can also leave a comment here.…