Vacation Bible School dates for 2015: Sunday July 19 through Thursday July 23. The theme is: “Everest- Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power”.
St. Paul Celebration
In October, 2016, St. Paul Lutheran Church will celebrate its 125th Anniversary. The committee preparing for this event is hard at work. Please contact Vivian Brown if you want to help in planning.
History Committee May 16
On Saturday May 16, there will be a day of cleaning and organizing the history room beginning at 9:00 am. Everyone is welcome to help. Bring a sack lunch. Coffee and doughnuts are being furnished.
Youth Family Fun Activities- Easter Egg Hunt
The children’s egg hunt is scheduled for March 21. Donations of wrapped candy or small novelties to fill plastic eggs are needed. Suggestions are coins, Easter stickers or tattoos, small toys, balls, animals, etc, wrapped candies. Make sure they will fit…
Children’s Christmas Program
The Children’s Christmas Program will feature a the Nativity Story and will be presented during the 10:30 Worship Service on December 14. Children of all ages are welcome to participate the there will be costumes and parts for all. Rehearsal…
St. Paul Community Open House
Saturday, December 6 from 4-6 pm there is a very special event being held at the church. The Columbus Chorus of Sweet Adelines will perform their Christmas Production form 4:10 to 5:00. There will be a live nativity and a…
Sweet Adelines Arts Camp
A fun filled day of art, theater, and music for children K-5th grade will be held at St. Paul on December 13 form 10:00 am to 3:30 pm. The cost is $30 for the first child and $25 for a…
Congregational Meeting; November 9, 2014
Important… All members are reminded to attend the annual Congregational Meeting on November 9 at 9:15 am. Agenda items include Congregational elections, adopting the proposed 2015 church budget, and the opportunity to ratify a brand new church constitution! Please review the November…
Sunday School- Rally Day
Rally Day September 13- Starting at 9:10 am. This is the kickoff to our new Sunday School year. Food, games, and fellowship. Confirmation classes will be starting again! Join us.
Food Produce Market- August 30
Reminder: The Food Produce truck arrives at 8:00 am and the market is open from 9:00 am to 11:00 am.