On Sunday, September 26, 2021, the St. Paul Quilting Group will have the annual quilt blessing during the church service. This will be in advance of the Central Ohio Quilt Ingathering where the Mission Quilts we have sewn will be shipped to Lutheran World Relief.
During the COVID restrictions, our small group has continued to make quilts in our homes and dedicating these to God’s glory is an important part of the quilting process. As of July 15, we have 183 quilts to share with those in need and more in process.
One of the things that we ask from the congregation is monetary support to defray the cost of shipping one quilt to their final destination in other countries around the world. As in past years, LWR has managed to keep the shipment costs low at $2.25 per quilt.
Should you be able to sponsor at least one quilt, please include in your St. Paul offering with a line note showing WELCA funding. Donations may also be given directly to treasurer Duane Dellinger. Any checks should be made payable to St. Paul Lutheran Church. Your support is greatly appreciated
St. Paul Quilting Group
- 2020 Wall Calendars
- Link to Worship: (9/5/21) 15th Sunday after Pentecost @ 9:55 am