A New Year’s Message from Rev. Aaron Baughman (1/2/21)

A New Year’s Message 
Hello everyone at St Paul,

I hope this message finds all of you doing well. I hope that all of you had a very Merry Christmas last week and that you have a blessed 2021. 
 In the name of Jesus, Rev. Aaron BaughmanAt-Home Communion for Everyone 
Would you like to participate in communion from home?
 St. Paul is now offering at home communion to everyone who is worshiping from home. Simply send an email to Jeanine at jeanine_secretary@sbcglobal.net or call her at 614-563-3230 to sign up communion kits will be blessed by Rev. Aaron before distribution. Be sure to note how many people are in your family. Our next installment will be for the season after Epiphany.  If you are interested in helping with distribution please let us know!

” In Christ we have obtained an inheritance, having been destined according to the purpose of him who accomplishes all things according to his counsel and will, so that we, who were the first to set our hope on Christ, might live for the praise of his glory. – Excerpt from Ephesians 1In Christ we have obtained an inheritance.
 When thinking of the inheritance that we have obtained in Christ, it’s important to understand that many theologians believe that God exists both inside and outside our concept of time. What I mean is that the inheritance that we are obtaining is the same inheritance that Abraham and Mary received, along with Noah and Martin Luther King. It is also the same inheritance that future generations of believers will receive. 
 Christ’s inheritance does not run out or run short. In fact we are receiving it for the first time, at the same time, that Paul claimed to be the first to receive it. 
  OK maybe all of this talk about time is a little much, but my point is simple. Even when you feel like you are to your max, when those around you have had enough with social distancing, and when healthcare workers are tired, even when all the people in the world feel like they are ready to throw in the towel, there is still our inheritance of HOPE. Through Jesus, there has and always been and always will be HOPE, and that hope, my friends, never runs out. 
 New Year Blessings for 2021,Rev Aaron Baughman
This Sunday will be livestream ONLYInstructions to watch Live StreamYou don’t have to watch it live.
You can watch it anytime during or after the service.
You can go to youtube.com and search: “St. Paul Lutheran Church New Rome, OH” You can subscribe and get an email when we are live. It is also posted on our website and Facebook page.Facebook-www.facebook.com/stpaullutherancolumbusohiochurch website: http://stpaulnewrome.com